ISTAF makes school” sports action week
ISTAF makes school” sports action week●We bring the ISTAF mobile to Marzahn-Hellersdorf. On board we have specially trained trainers and lots of materials for a very special sports lesson. From hurdling to target throwing, there will be something for everyone (3rd – 6th grade). We will show you how diverse athletics can be and look forward to creating a special sports lesson with you. This sports unit lasts 90 minutes per class.●You can register online via: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e73m5m8e●Please select only one time slot per class●Contact: Jannes Schneider-Oeser | Movement Networker Kita und Schule | jannes.schneider-oeser@dspnetz.de | 0176-84342457