Proud to be a Giant – Crowdfundingkampagne

True to our motto – “Proud to be a Giant” – we want every Giants team member to be proud of themselves and the team as a whole. However, in order to realise oneself as a cheerleader in the team and individually, it is indispensable to measure oneself against other cheerleading clubs in sporting competition. In various championships, the passion for the wonderful sport of cheer is celebrated, promoted and made better known across regional borders. All cheerleaders, whether children or teenagers, train hard all season and want to prove themselves with their skills. And we also want this hard training to pay off and for our teams to take part in as many competitions as possible, to be successful, to learn for sport and life – and simply to make new friends! We want everyone to be able to take part, even if their individual family purse does not allow it.

With your support, you make it possible for us to take part in various championships with our youngsters this year and for them to experience the competitive life of a cheerleader. This is exactly why we urgently need your support. For many cheerleaders it would be their first championship and therefore a new and exciting stage in their sport. However, championship life is not exactly cheap and quickly bursts the household budget for low-income families and especially for single parents. It also tears teams apart and makes for sad faces in such a joyous sport. Our members largely come from low-income or single-parent families. Many young adults from the senior teams are in training or studying. Therefore, we will divide the donated amount among all championship and youth teams in such a way that everyone is relieved as much as possible.

Here you have the option of donating any amount and receiving a donation receipt for it or choosing a reward for it. Our goal is to reach the final sum by a certain date and thus make many children and their families happy.

We need your help for that. If you could offer any way of support, we would be very grateful. Just sharing the link helps a lot.

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