Outdoor sports for all!


FRAUENSPORTHALLE – Fit & Fun Marzahn e.V.

Outdoor sports for all!


Nordic Walking: every Tuesday at 6 p.m. around the Kienberg – meeting point: entrance Gärten der Welt at Blumberger Damm

Nordic Walking: every Thursday at 5.30 p.m. around the Ahrendsfelder Berg – meeting point: Parsteiner Weg 2

Ball games: every Wednesday at 4 p.m. – Meeting place: Bolzplatz at the youth club “Joker” Hellersdorf (From June)

Ball games: every Saturday at 10 a.m. – meeting place: playground/football field Kemberger Straße(from June)

Contact: www.frauensporthalle-berlin.deinfo@fitundfun-marzahn.de – 0174-9839182

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