Digital participation launched in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Focus on the future of sport and exercise
In Marzahn-Hellersdorf, citizens now have the opportunity to participate digitally in the district’s sports development!
With the sports development plan, recommendations for action are being developed that will shape the development of the sports infrastructure as well as the services and organizational structures in the district over the next ten years. From now on, all citizens are called upon. As part of the online participation, needs and wishes can be located on a virtual map: Which places or sports and exercise areas do you like to visit for sport and exercise in the district? What sports and exercise activities do you do? Which places or sports and exercise facilities do you miss in the district? Where do you see possible potential or suggestions for improving sports and exercise areas in the district? What improvements are these?

Your opinion is needed!
Comments on the questions can be submitted up to and including June 30, 2024. Access is via a dedicated website.
Be part of the development process and actively shape the future of our district so that Marzahn-Hellersdorf becomes an even more attractive place for sport and exercise.

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When? Thursdays4.15 p.m. for the very little ones5.45 p.m. for children from around 4 ½ years–Where? Gymnasium Borkheider Straße 28B, 12689(Tram M8 Niemegker Straße)–Contact? SV Berlin 2000, or directly

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Come along! Welcome, men too, please!–Tuesdays, 8 p.m. at Ebereschengrundschule, Borkheider Straße 28A, 12689–Thursdays, 8 p.m. at Schule am grünen Stadtrand, Geraer Straße 54, 12689–Provider: Polizei-Sport-Verein (PSV) – Sportgymnastik–Contact via

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