Free qualification as a KIEZÜBUNGS-LEITER*IN in Marzahn and Hellersdorf
INFOTERMIN: Wed, 01.11.2023 | 4pm – 5pm•LOCATION: Bezirkssportbund Marzahn-Hellersdorf e.V. | Eisenacher Str. 121•JUST JOIN IN AND GET THE NEIGHBORHOOD MOVING TOGETHER!
INFOTERMIN: Wed, 01.11.2023 | 4pm – 5pm•LOCATION: Bezirkssportbund Marzahn-Hellersdorf e.V. | Eisenacher Str. 121•JUST JOIN IN AND GET THE NEIGHBORHOOD MOVING TOGETHER!
Hands-on sports action day for girls and women•WHEN? 07.10.2023 – from 10.10 a.m.•WHERE? In the movement room & in the women’s sports hall in the leisure forum•FREE!
Fridays 17.30 fitness boxing in the women’s sports hall – trial lesson free of charge Fitness boxing: What is it exactly? Simply put, it’s nothing more than boxing without an opponent. Instead of competing against each other in the ring or in so-called sparring, fitness boxing is mainly limited to training the techniques learned.What are the benefits of fitness kickboxing?What are the benefits of fitness kickboxing?The punching techniques strengthen the arm, shoulder and chest muscles. The kicking techniques train the muscles of the thighs and buttocksAppointment Details This appointment runs from September 1, 2023 to December 22, 2023 and will next be held on September 15, 2023 5:30pm.
The last family sports festival is just over, the next one is already set: On September 10, the family sports festival comes to the neighborhoods. Clubs and associations present themselves with participatory offers – from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in each case. Marzahn-Hellersdorf: Rudolf-Virchow-Sportpark, Blumberger Damm 300 All further info will be here in time: www.lsb-berlin.de and www.familiensportfest-berlin.de
SIGN UP! – BOXING IN THE NISCHE•FROM SEPTEMBER 1, ONCE A WEEK•FOR ALL CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS FROM 8-16 YEARS OLD•BOX-EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED – YOU CAN KEEP THE STUFF!•ONE TIME ONLY 5€•!!! THE BOXING TRAINING IS NOT FOR SELF-DEFENSE !!! On behalf of the Bezirkssportbund, Senatsverwaltung für Inneres, Digitalisierung und Sport, and the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Marzahn-Hellersdorf Youth recreational facility Die NischeLouis-Lewin-Straße 40c | 12627 BerlinTel.: 0309985991 | die-nische@awo-spree-wuhle.de
Playing soccer with Rot-Weiß Hellersdorf Come by and have a sniff.•26.08.2023 | 11am – 2pm•You can expect a varied offer around the football:•Goal wall shooting•Training session•Tournament mode•Speed shooting•DKMS fundraiser•We would love to get to know you and teach you how to play soccer.•You are between 8 and 13 years old?•Then register directly.•Questions & registration under peter.schiller@rwh90.de – 0176 / 23938328
After the “Flame of Hope” was lit in Athens on June 7, it was also carried through the Gardens of the World in Marzahn-Hellersdorf last Friday. We are happy to have been part of the traditional torch run of the “LETR Final Leg ® – Law Enforcement Torch Run” one day before the official start of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023!
BEZIRKSSPORTBUND – Invitation Kick-off event•When: 26.6.23•Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm•Joint project for health and exercise promotion in Marzahn-Nord and Hellersdorf-Nord•Meeting place: Haus des SportsEisenacher Str. 121126797 Berlin
FRAUENSPORTHALLE – Dear members, dear relatives, dear friends of the association, we would like to hike with you!•When: 10.07.23•Time: 17:00 Uhr•Start: Frauensporthalle•Destination: Stadtteilzentrum Biesdorf•There we will have a barbecue and a drink.•Costs: 3 € per person•Contact: www.frauensporthalle-berlin.de | info@fitundfun-marzahn.de | 0174-9839182
17.07.2023- 25.08.2023•Tuesdays: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Healthy breakfast and excursions•Wednesdays: 12 – 6 p.m. Healthy lunch snack , then workshop dancing and games course.•Thursdays: I2-6pm Healthy lunch snack, followed by acrobatics and ball sports workshop.•Please register in advance! Free of charge Contact: www-frauensporthalle-berlin.de | info@fitundfun-marzahn.de | 0174-9839182
INFOTERMIN: Wed, 01.11.2023 | 4pm – 5pm•LOCATION: Bezirkssportbund Marzahn-Hellersdorf e.V. | Eisenacher Str. 121•JUST JOIN IN AND GET THE NEIGHBORHOOD MOVING TOGETHER!
Hands-on sports action day for girls and women•WHEN? 07.10.2023 – from 10.10 a.m.•WHERE? In the movement room & in the women’s sports hall in the leisure forum•FREE!
Fridays 17.30 fitness boxing in the women’s sports hall – trial lesson free of charge Fitness boxing: What is it exactly? Simply put, it’s nothing more than boxing without an opponent. Instead of competing against each other in the ring or in so-called sparring, fitness boxing is mainly limited to training the techniques learned.What are the benefits of fitness kickboxing?What are the benefits of fitness kickboxing?The punching techniques strengthen the arm, shoulder and chest muscles. The kicking techniques train the muscles of the thighs and buttocksAppointment Details This appointment runs from September 1, 2023 to December 22, 2023 and will next be held on September 15, 2023 5:30pm.
The last family sports festival is just over, the next one is already set: On September 10, the family sports festival comes to the neighborhoods. Clubs and associations present themselves with participatory offers – from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in each case. Marzahn-Hellersdorf: Rudolf-Virchow-Sportpark, Blumberger Damm 300 All further info will be here in time: www.lsb-berlin.de and www.familiensportfest-berlin.de
SIGN UP! – BOXING IN THE NISCHE•FROM SEPTEMBER 1, ONCE A WEEK•FOR ALL CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS FROM 8-16 YEARS OLD•BOX-EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED – YOU CAN KEEP THE STUFF!•ONE TIME ONLY 5€•!!! THE BOXING TRAINING IS NOT FOR SELF-DEFENSE !!! On behalf of the Bezirkssportbund, Senatsverwaltung für Inneres, Digitalisierung und Sport, and the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Marzahn-Hellersdorf Youth recreational facility Die NischeLouis-Lewin-Straße 40c | 12627 BerlinTel.: 0309985991 | die-nische@awo-spree-wuhle.de
Playing soccer with Rot-Weiß Hellersdorf Come by and have a sniff.•26.08.2023 | 11am – 2pm•You can expect a varied offer around the football:•Goal wall shooting•Training session•Tournament mode•Speed shooting•DKMS fundraiser•We would love to get to know you and teach you how to play soccer.•You are between 8 and 13 years old?•Then register directly.•Questions & registration under peter.schiller@rwh90.de – 0176 / 23938328
After the “Flame of Hope” was lit in Athens on June 7, it was also carried through the Gardens of the World in Marzahn-Hellersdorf last Friday. We are happy to have been part of the traditional torch run of the “LETR Final Leg ® – Law Enforcement Torch Run” one day before the official start of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023!
BEZIRKSSPORTBUND – Invitation Kick-off event•When: 26.6.23•Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm•Joint project for health and exercise promotion in Marzahn-Nord and Hellersdorf-Nord•Meeting place: Haus des SportsEisenacher Str. 121126797 Berlin
FRAUENSPORTHALLE – Dear members, dear relatives, dear friends of the association, we would like to hike with you!•When: 10.07.23•Time: 17:00 Uhr•Start: Frauensporthalle•Destination: Stadtteilzentrum Biesdorf•There we will have a barbecue and a drink.•Costs: 3 € per person•Contact: www.frauensporthalle-berlin.de | info@fitundfun-marzahn.de | 0174-9839182
17.07.2023- 25.08.2023•Tuesdays: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Healthy breakfast and excursions•Wednesdays: 12 – 6 p.m. Healthy lunch snack , then workshop dancing and games course.•Thursdays: I2-6pm Healthy lunch snack, followed by acrobatics and ball sports workshop.•Please register in advance! Free of charge Contact: www-frauensporthalle-berlin.de | info@fitundfun-marzahn.de | 0174-9839182