The Christmas market Hellersdorfer Terrassen, organized by Deutsch Polnischen Hilfswerk e.V., will take place on 11.12.2023 from 15.00 – 18.00 on the Hellersdorfer Terrassen, Alte Hellersdorfer Str/Zossener Straße.
The Advent market on Theaterplatz Luis Levin Straße 12627 Berlin, organized by Roter Baum Berlin UG (haftungsbeschränkt), will take place on 16.12.2023 from 14.00 – 19.00 hrs.
Stretching in the Marzahn women’s sports hall
Stretching is a form of exercise in which the muscles are put under tension in order to achieve improved mobility and flexibility. Stretching also has a positive effect on the