You didn't find what you were looking for?
Tell us what you are looking for and we will advise you on your request. If we are not successful, we will try to encourage such an offer in the district.
You have difficulties entering offers, events or requests?
What is your problem? We will be happy to contact you and try to solve the problem together.
Are you interested in the project and want to get in touch?
We live networking and like to exchange ideas. New actors and partners are welcome!
Contact us!
Call us!
Tue – Thu: 9 am – 1 pm
Project management
Bewegungsnetzwerk Marzahn-Hellersdorf
Bezirkssportbund Marzahn-Hellersdorf e.V.
Projektleitung: Herr Jannes Schneider-Oeser
Eisenacher Str. 121
12685 Berlin
Website enquiries:
Webdesign Schiller