Soccer for young and old, in the heart of Marzahn at FC NORDOST Berlin e.V.
For more info, as well as other great exercise options in the neighborhood, visit Your search engine for movement in Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
Soccer for young and old, in the heart of Marzahn at FC NORDOST Berlin e.V.
For more info, as well as other great exercise options in the neighborhood, visit Your search engine for movement in Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
Would you like to learn how to defend yourself effectively and boost your self-confidence? Then this martial art is right for you! What makes this martial art so special? It
When? Thursdays4.15 p.m. for the very little ones5.45 p.m. for children from around 4 ½ years–Where? Gymnasium Borkheider Straße 28B, 12689(Tram M8 Niemegker Straße)–Contact? SV Berlin 2000, or directly
Come along! Welcome, men too, please!–Tuesdays, 8 p.m. at Ebereschengrundschule, Borkheider Straße 28A, 12689–Thursdays, 8 p.m. at Schule am grünen Stadtrand, Geraer Straße 54, 12689–Provider: Polizei-Sport-Verein (PSV) – Sportgymnastik–Contact via
In keeping with the cooler temperatures and uncomfortable weather, we would like to introduce a sport that is becoming increasingly popular: ice swimming. In Berlin, too, more and more brave