New Year’s reception of the movement network MaHe


New Year's reception of the movement network MaHe

On January 27, we celebrated our interactive and moving New Year’s reception at the District Sports Association. We would like to thank for the supportive greetings of the district mayor, Gordon Lemm, and the chairman of the district sports association, Jan Lehmann. Special thanks also go to the numerous actors from the district and the Senate Department who accepted our invitation and contribute to a lively network. In addition to an intensive exchange among each other, the movement network Ma-He and other projects from the district were presented. These include the 2023 Special Olympics World Games, where the district will host the Marshall Islands delegation. The project “Initial happiness – discovering nutrition together” for the promotion of nutritional health in the setting of very young children (in cooperation with the PKV association, peb and DSPN) as well as the district “nutrition strategy” which cooperates with the movement network and the Bewegungsatlas (OE QPK and DSPN).

Thanks to the interactive survey, we received high-quality, real-time feedback from the participants, which we will implement in our work.

Wir freuen uns auf eine weitere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung im Bezirk, denn nur gemeinsam sorgen wir für mehr Bewegungs- und Gesundheitsförderung in Marzahn-Hellersdorf !We are looking forward to further successful cooperation and networking in the district, because only together we can ensure more movement and health promotion in Marzahn-Hellersdorf !

Your Movement Network Marzahn-Hellersdorf

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