Self-defense for women in the women’s sports hall

Selbstverteidigung für Frauen in der Frauensporthalle

Would you like to learn how to defend yourself effectively and boost your self-confidence? Then this martial art is right for you!

What makes this martial art so special?

It uses natural movement sequences and is highly effective at the same time. Due to its movement mechanisms, it is therefore also very suitable for petite and small people, so you don’t have to be tall and muscular to be able to assert and defend yourself effectively.

Together we learn the art of Ninjutsu step by step and get to know our bodies better in a mindful way.

What is trained?

  • Mobility / agility
  • Mindfulness and perception
  • Body awareness and self-efficacy
  • Ability to cooperate and team spirit
  • How to find inner peace
  • Tai-jutsu: How to use the body as a “weapon”

Handling traditional training weapons such as:
Hanbo, Bokken (wooden katana), Tanto, rope, etc.

Who is this group suitable for?

This group is open to all people who want to learn self-defense and would like to meet regularly to train together.

The training is particularly suitable for petite people.
You don’t have to be muscular to be able to defend yourself successfully.

Children must be accompanied by an adult!!!

Appointment Details

This date runs from November 30, 2024 to December 20, 2025 and will next take place on December 21, 2024 11:00 a.m.

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