Bewegte Neuigkeiten für Marzahn-Hellersdorf


Start fit into the Easter vacations! DEGEWO Movement Challenge

Start fit into the Easter vacations! – 13 – 31 March 2023 What’s behind it? Every school from Neukölln, Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Treptow-Köpenick can register for the degewo movement challenge. But beware, you must be quick. Only 10 schools per district can participate. You can find the respective periods in the following registration windows. Only two time slots are available per day. Each school can compete with a maximum of 50 students. We will bring gym bags and pedometers directly to your school on the day you registered for. Of course, we will then explain to you how they work. Each school can collect as many steps as possible with its students in the 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. time slot on Participation Day. The award ceremony will be published here on the site on April 17, 2023 at 10:00 am. ALL INFO:

kopie pressemitteilung

Press release – Berlin, 23.05.2022

Well-attended neighborhood festival lures people out of their armchairs On Saturday, the neighborhood festival took place in front of the Freizeitforum Marzahn. The well-attended event initially threatened to fall into the proverbial water. Heavy rain showers ensured bustle at the booths of the institutions, parties and the movement network, as the displays were covered with foils to protect them from the sometimes stormy gusts of rain, only to uncover them again minutes later in the best sunshine. The event was opened, among others, by the spokesperson of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance, Henny Engels […] The full press release can be found on: HERE

beitragsbild nachbarschaftsfest

Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 from 2pm to 6 pm, the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance at the Place of Diversity invites all residents of the district to the Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz, 12679 Berlin. Many committed participants will organise a free afternoon with activities and music for the whole family and invite you to talk and join in. With a stage programme, family games, participatory circus or creative painting and handicrafts, we want to bring our neighbourhood together and inform about the work of district initiatives and associations. DEGEWO supports this festival. Stage program 14:00 – Sami Alkomi, Fabian Gröger 14:05 – Bündnis für Demokratie undToleranz 14:10 – Zucker & Zimt 14:30 – Diversity Bingo 14:50 – Crazy Squirrels (StreetdanceKids) (Fit und fun e.V.) and Zumba for joining in 15:20 – Giants Cheerleader Berlin 15:35 – Pal Chang 16:05 – Fashion show (Martina Polizzi) 16:30 – Acrobatic show Cabuwazi 17:00 – ukrainisches Ensemble Potpourri 17:15 – Raketen Erna 18:00 – Moderation team

flyer nachbarschaftsfest

Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 from 2pm to 6 pm, the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance at the Place of Diversity invites all residents of the district to the Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz, 12679 Berlin. Many committed participants will organise a free afternoon with activities and music for the whole family and invite you to talk and join in. With a stage programme, family games, participatory circus or creative painting and handicrafts, we want to bring our neighbourhood together and inform about the work of district initiatives and associations. DEGEWO supports this festival. Stage program 14:00 – Sami Alkomi, Fabian Gröger 14:05 – Bündnis für Demokratie undToleranz 14:10 – Zucker & Zimt 14:30 – Diversity Bingo 14:50 – Crazy Squirrels (StreetdanceKids) (Fit und fun e.V.) und Zumba zum Mitmachen 15:20 – Giants Cheerleader Berlin 15:35 – Pal Chang 16:05 – Modenschau (Martina Polizzi) 16:30 – Akrobatikshow Cabuwazi 17:00 – ukrainisches Ensemble Potpourri 17:15 – Raketen Erna 18:00 – Moderationsteam


Start fit into the Easter vacations! DEGEWO Movement Challenge

Start fit into the Easter vacations! – 13 – 31 March 2023 What’s behind it? Every school from Neukölln, Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Treptow-Köpenick can register for the degewo movement challenge. But beware, you must be quick. Only 10 schools per district can participate. You can find the respective periods in the following registration windows. Only two time slots are available per day. Each school can compete with a maximum of 50 students. We will bring gym bags and pedometers directly to your school on the day you registered for. Of course, we will then explain to you how they work. Each school can collect as many steps as possible with its students in the 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. time slot on Participation Day. The award ceremony will be published here on the site on April 17, 2023 at 10:00 am. ALL INFO:

kopie pressemitteilung

Press release – Berlin, 23.05.2022

Well-attended neighborhood festival lures people out of their armchairs On Saturday, the neighborhood festival took place in front of the Freizeitforum Marzahn. The well-attended event initially threatened to fall into the proverbial water. Heavy rain showers ensured bustle at the booths of the institutions, parties and the movement network, as the displays were covered with foils to protect them from the sometimes stormy gusts of rain, only to uncover them again minutes later in the best sunshine. The event was opened, among others, by the spokesperson of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance, Henny Engels […] The full press release can be found on: HERE

beitragsbild nachbarschaftsfest

Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 from 2pm to 6 pm, the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance at the Place of Diversity invites all residents of the district to the Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz, 12679 Berlin. Many committed participants will organise a free afternoon with activities and music for the whole family and invite you to talk and join in. With a stage programme, family games, participatory circus or creative painting and handicrafts, we want to bring our neighbourhood together and inform about the work of district initiatives and associations. DEGEWO supports this festival. Stage program 14:00 – Sami Alkomi, Fabian Gröger 14:05 – Bündnis für Demokratie undToleranz 14:10 – Zucker & Zimt 14:30 – Diversity Bingo 14:50 – Crazy Squirrels (StreetdanceKids) (Fit und fun e.V.) and Zumba for joining in 15:20 – Giants Cheerleader Berlin 15:35 – Pal Chang 16:05 – Fashion show (Martina Polizzi) 16:30 – Acrobatic show Cabuwazi 17:00 – ukrainisches Ensemble Potpourri 17:15 – Raketen Erna 18:00 – Moderation team

flyer nachbarschaftsfest

Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz

On Saturday, 21 May 2022 from 2pm to 6 pm, the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance at the Place of Diversity invites all residents of the district to the Marzahner Neighbourhood Festival on Marzahner Promenade/Victor-Klemperer-Platz, 12679 Berlin. Many committed participants will organise a free afternoon with activities and music for the whole family and invite you to talk and join in. With a stage programme, family games, participatory circus or creative painting and handicrafts, we want to bring our neighbourhood together and inform about the work of district initiatives and associations. DEGEWO supports this festival. Stage program 14:00 – Sami Alkomi, Fabian Gröger 14:05 – Bündnis für Demokratie undToleranz 14:10 – Zucker & Zimt 14:30 – Diversity Bingo 14:50 – Crazy Squirrels (StreetdanceKids) (Fit und fun e.V.) und Zumba zum Mitmachen 15:20 – Giants Cheerleader Berlin 15:35 – Pal Chang 16:05 – Modenschau (Martina Polizzi) 16:30 – Akrobatikshow Cabuwazi 17:00 – ukrainisches Ensemble Potpourri 17:15 – Raketen Erna 18:00 – Moderationsteam

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