Bewegte Neuigkeiten für Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Neighbourhood walk with KarlHo

Dear neighbours of all ages, On the international “Take a walk in the park- Day”, we look forward to spending some quality time with you in our Bürgerpark Marzahn. An opportunity to get to know your neighbourhood and take a healthy walk in the countryside!

beitragsbild stadtteilfest

Tomorrow (25.06.): District festival Hellersdorf-North

“In Hellersdorf what moves” – Under this motto, the district festival Hellersdorf-Nord with a large stage program will take place tomorrow (25.06.22)! Place/meeting point: Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Alice-Salomon-Platz, 12627 Berlin Directions: U Hellersdorf (U5, Tram 18, M6, Bus 195, 197


Neighbourhood walk with KarlHo

Dear neighbours of all ages, On the international “Take a walk in the park- Day”, we look forward to spending some quality time with you in our Bürgerpark Marzahn. An opportunity to get to know your neighbourhood and take a healthy walk in the countryside!

beitragsbild stadtteilfest

Tomorrow (25.06.): District festival Hellersdorf-North

“In Hellersdorf what moves” – Under this motto, the district festival Hellersdorf-Nord with a large stage program will take place tomorrow (25.06.22)! Place/meeting point: Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Alice-Salomon-Platz, 12627 Berlin Directions: U Hellersdorf (U5, Tram 18, M6, Bus 195, 197

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